Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Food packed for a day milling around the hospital for appointments! Out the door at 7:00 a.m.!

We brought Thomas’s sewing project for his appointments today. He is close to finishing his sloth!

I want to honor my longsuffering little Thomas. A goodly percentage of the time, his veins just don't cooperate. Today he needed an IV placed. The first one, the nurse placing it made a mistake she said she's never happen in her career, and it caused some dramatic blood to spurt out. The second attempt, the vein just wouldn't accept the water flush, so the IV wasn't useable. The third attempt worked. All the while, Thomas was still, patient, chatty, asking a million medical questions ("You're going to be a doctor or an engineer"), and telling the various nurses that "it's okay" that they had to poke him so many times.

Tomorrow he'll get a new IV. And the next day he'll have blood labs.

Thomas is about to head home! We have one last appointment tomorrow!

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