Thursday, June 30, 2022

Wrapping Up June

The summer is one-third over and I'm mostly nagged by all the goals I am not achieving. I'm not successfully getting the kids to do their summer school "hour" each day (math facts, spelling, handwriting, and read some literature). I'm not losing weight or jogging. Our family isn't swimming daily. Several trips to Goodwill and my house is still not decluttered. Broken things still aren't fixed. I'm busy every day, up at 5:00 a.m., working all the time, so I just don't know . . . .

Lesson plans for next year are more than halfway designed. I'll also be teaching three classes (Gregorian chant to elementary students, literature to middle school students, and helping with economics/government for high-school students), so I am in the thick of planning that. 

One Saturday, I had the great privilege of taking Margaret (11) to join another mother and daughter for a delightful day noodling around the most darling historic downtown. The absolute best was exploring an old-fashioned bookstore at great length before lunch at an Italian joint and then ice cream at a local creamery. I haven't had a leisurely day like that in as long as I can remember.

Two hip chicks!

Meanwhile, Chris held down the fort. He and his dad took the rest of the crew out to lunch and to Discovery Place (science museum in town).

Thomas sure has been reading a lot lately.

One day, Thomas and David had a wonderful time painting. Thomas was gifted this kit when he was last at his Oncology Clinic. The toys make a difference for little kids, so thank you to everyone who donates toys to cancer clinics and children's hospitals! 

June 30, 2022

Today David is the exact age, down to the day, that Thomas was when he was diagnosed with cancer just over two years ago. This is the kind of weird thing a cancer parent thinks about. I have been watching David for the last month and thinking that he is such a baby (meant in the most affectionate way): how was Thomas so young and innocent when he was thrown into all that medical treatment? How did he accept his first blood draw with nary one single tear on that first day? David (like most four-year-olds) would have to be pinned down by four adults for someone to draw his blood! Anyway, what with this weird day of note on the calendar and Thomas's 18-month scans next week, my feelings are swirling and blood pressure is high.

Miscellaneous Moments


Neighborhood walk with Mama

John's new daily calendar cube

A pirate and his squid

Puppy Pics

They often take their daytime naps together.

The dogs got to try a "pup cup." Tilly was fine but sensitive Nicky was sick for five days.

Tilly sleeping with her snout out of her crate

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