Saturday, June 27, 2020

Saturday Fun

We have been absent from our family blog for one month exactly as our son Thomas was diagnosed with cancer. We were publishing over at CaringBridge (, but are now going to try to bring the two together seamlessly in order to continue the family blog I have written for 14 years. This blog post is copied from CaringBridge and is being published retroactively. Please subscribe to our family blog to receive updates as I publish!

I did not know how much tension Chris and I were carrying bodily waiting every moment for 48 hours for the phone to ring with news about our boy until today when we knew for sure that the phone would not ring all weekend long. It's like pushing the 'pause' button on something really scary in order to refresh oneself.

Knowing that once Thomas starts chemotherapy, he will not be able to touch animals or be in a farm or zoo environment, we went bright and early Saturday to Lazy 5 Ranch. Afterward, we bought ice cream scoops from Mclaughlin's Farmhouse Country Store before coming home for mid-day chores and then swimming. Chris played Ticket to Ride with the oldest three and I played both Rat-a-Tat-Cat and Dino Dig with the youngest three.

Thanks go out to the Q family for providing dinner tonight: I had arranged the meal thinking I would be in the hospital with Thomas getting chemotherapy, but it still worked out wonderfully because this allowed me to have a day just being Fun Mommy.

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