Saturday, June 13, 2020

Saturday Fun Moments

We have been absent from our family blog for one month exactly as our son Thomas was diagnosed with cancer. We were publishing over at CaringBridge (, but are now going to try to bring the two together seamlessly in order to continue the family blog I have written for 14 years. This blog post is copied from CaringBridge and is being published retroactively. Please subscribe to our family blog to receive updates as I publish!

Thomas awoke extra early at 5:00 a.m. to immediately sit down and create more artwork with his new crayons. I was awake with insomnia anyway, so would rather sit and watch my boy color than lay in bed with my mind galloping.

This morning, I made a rare exception and invited Joseph (7) to join me on my exercise walk. He is definitely needing some TLC right now through all this because he does not understand. He walked the entire mile with me holding my hand without cease, and he just loved that we took a shadow picture of Mama and Joseph. Later, Daddy played catch with Joseph.

Mary and I took Thomas to go feed fish in a neighbor's pond!

In the afternoon, the little crew watched Sargeant Stubby and then everyone went swimming.

After dinner, we went out to ice cream to celebrate the Feast of St. Anthony--our Joseph's middle name!

Chris and I are trying to live very much in the present and gather up many sweet, simple moments like assembling a bouquet of flowers. We are so grateful for all the pragmatic support and spiritual graces being poured out on us. Thomas was diagnosed only ten days ago and the time before that feels truly like a different mother than I am now living in another lifetime.

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