Saturday, February 1, 2020

Federation #1 of 2 Days

On Saturday, John (13) participated for the first time in Scholarship-level Federation Festival, which requires reaching a certain level of accomplishment to join. He performed Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata 1st movement and Toccata in a minor by Timothy Brown. Our boy earned FIRST PLACE in his division and will be going to States in April! Congratulations, John, on all your months of hard work!

Dad, spying through the glass at John

The girls performed for Non-Scholarship Federation in violin that day (piano being in a few weeks).

Mary was hired as Margaret's accompanist for the first time (instead of our hiring a professional), so she participated in Margaret (8) earning a Superior score in Violin Solo for performing Musette by Bach and Chorus from 'Judas Machabeus' by Handel.

The girls' violin teacher listening outside the performance door

Mary (11) earned Superiors in both Violin Solo and in Violin Concerto. Congratulations, girls!

Forward, march--often with our noses in a book as we walk down the road--we continue through music competition season!

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