Saturday, August 31, 2019

{SQT} First Week of School 2019-20

1. Daddy Day Trip

Last Saturday, my husband very generously and of his own accord took all the children to the boys' ice skating class and then took the whole gang to meet his parents in Greenville, SC, for dinner so that I could have an entire day alone at home to finish school planning as best I could. It was my first time alone in this home and by nighttime, I was very ready for my loud crew to return.

David (24 months) curled up in the bottom of the stroller and fell asleep in the chilly ice rink amidst the blaring noise and chaotic movement!

2. Ice Hockey Team

After almost a year of ice skating classes, John progressed through eight levels of required ice skating skills and two levels of hockey-playing skills and has qualified to join the ice hockey recreational league! We are so proud of him and excited to see what is in store for our family adding something new to our routine.

3. Dinner and Talk on Marriage

On Sunday, Chris and I had a wonderful opportunity to attend a catered social dinner at our church followed by a talk about marriage by a fine, gifted priest. It was a good and rare evening out!

4. First Week of School

We started our new school year on Monday, three weeks after moving into our new home! I served a special treat of iced cinnamon rolls with our breakfast . . . and dropped them all over the floor! We decided to apply the five-second rule and simply proceed ahead.

Special breakfast for first day of school

The week had its ups and downs, Mama's emotions ran the gamut, but isn't that always how it is? We won't really have all our classes and subjects in full swing till probably the third week of school: it is better to ease into it.

Yes, I know she is too close . . . I'm ordering an extension cord for the headphones!

Baby Brother learning Grammar with Big Brother

5. Evening of Fun

We hosted a lovely family one night for a great dinner, free play, board games, and conversation.

6. Bonus Reading

7. Hospital Troubles

We've taken two people to the hospital emergency room for different reasons this week . . . on the same day, in fact!

Below is an old photo from a couple of weeks ago showing our open foyer and the banister which various unidentified but naughty children have been sliding down. We parents have been disciplining this emphatically, but we think the problem is now done because one day Joseph (6) fell straight over the top railing to the wooden floor below to the horror of all his watching siblings. The thud was so loud, I thought a child had knocked over a bureau or bookshelf.

Siblings were in tears and it was a dramatic scene taking our sweet boy to the hospital. Margaret was allowed to attend with him, where she read him books and colored with him during our hours there. Praise God, Joseph was not paralyzed for the rest of his life, nor even suffered a broken limb.

And we request prayers for the other medical situation as it is still being investigated.

For more 7 Quick Takes Friday, check out This Ain't the Lyceum.


  1. Oh, my goodness! I can just imagine the horror of watching their brother fall. So relieved to hear that he's ok.

  2. Prayers for the medical situation! So glad Joseph is fine.
