David James is two months old today!
He is a joy and we all adore him. He's up to 13 pounds now, from birth at 8 lbs 6 oz.
He has had his days and nights correct since birth and my overnights have become downright decent since I was able to stop pumping (when David learned how to nurse and got off bottles). He wakes up a good half dozen times to nurse, but that's real easy when one is cosleeping. I'll pay for his bad sleeping habits later, but it's all going great now!
David lives almost entirely in arms, despite my numerous daily attempts to set him down. I feel like each time I set him down in an exercise of teaching him not to mind it, all it is is a 98% guarantee that he will start wailing hysterically and interrupt my duties even more than if I just gave in and held him. Oh well, maybe this old mama dog is too old to learn new tricks.
Thanks be to God, I have a very understanding husband. One night, when I knew a guest was coming the next day, I was nursing the baby to sleep and was utterly exhausted (it being 8:30 and all!). I was crying to my husband about how disgusting my kitchen looked and how was I ever supposed to give it more than a quick once-over with a baby constantly in armed, and that I was so embarrassed. He told me that I should be grateful (1) to have a fat, breastfed baby and (2) to have a husband who 'gets it' about how much work it takes to have an exclusively breastfed baby, even at the expensive of a pristine home. I went to bed with a messy kitchen and feeling comforted . . . and I woke up to my husband having quietly cleaned the kitchen spic and span, including mopping the floor. What a guy! He's a keeper.
Oh David is such a handsome little guy. I loved to see the side-by-sides of all the Lauers at two months. It would be so fun to see a stage/age in which you added in pictures of yourself and Chris for comparison!