Friday, September 29, 2017

{SQT} Too Busy to Write Much

1. Parish Carnival

On Saturday, our family attended the parish carnival (click here) and came home with two pet fish.

2. Pet Fish

Within 24 hours, the fish had convinced Daddy to upgrade them to better digs.

Thomas stands there all day saying, "Watch fish!"

3. Thomas

Speaking of Thomas (2), he's a cutie. His sister dressed him up as a bug using old applesauce squirty pack tops.

4. Joseph

Joseph (4-1/2) is having trouble adapting to his Pre-K classroom at CCE. He acts excited and as if he likes it, but the teacher tells me he stands hiding in the corner the whole three hours. I will probably go to class with him next week.

5. Mary

Mary (8) plays music for David and basically helps me with him all day long.

6. Margaret

Margaret (6) helps me as well, and has been my right-hand 'man' at Mass these last couple of weeks.

Mama still hasn't had time to teach Margaret cross-stitching, so Margaret taught herself and did a fine job.

7. David

David is seven weeks old now and starting to consolidate his sleep. His cheeks are getting chubby as he hits 12 pounds.

Same outfit all my boys have worn

For more 7 Quick Takes Friday, check out This Ain't the Lyceum.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what sweet photos these all are! David (and all of the children in fact) gets cuter by the week! I bet having his mama with him for a session will help Joseph enjoy his Friday time.
    Do the new fish have names? Being barred from that certain carnival booth on the chance they might win a pet, the children here are awed by your new residents and their posh accommodations! ;)
