1. Thomas Turned Two!
Thomas Vincent turned two years old on Wednesday. The second birthday is a cute one because the birthday toddler remains clueless: What is this delicious cake? What are these fun gifts? Oh well, I'll just go with it! We hope to have a celebration with grandparents when they're in town to watch the children perform in "Esther"! Who knows if there will be a new baby in attendance by then!
Click here to read my birthday post.
2. This Is Love
I doubt I have any single ladies reading my mommy blog but, in case I do, this is an image of love:
This is the completed play kitchen my husband made for our two-year-old. The kitchen whose idea it was mine to purchase for his birthday because Thomas loves kitchen play so much. The particular kitchen I wished for so much when Chris would have gone with a simpler version. The kitchen the buyer must assemble himself. The kitchen with at least one hundred parts to it. The kitchen whose box we opened and we both silently thought, "Ohhhhh, maybe we need to return this."
Instead, Chris, with quietly and steadfast determination, built this kitchen for four long hours late at night because I wanted it.
Single ladies: this is an image of love. Are you dating a man who will do this?
A grocery cart, the table to set for a meal, and the kitchen |
Mama stocked all our play food inside |
3. Big Helpers
I realized this week that the two oldest children merited a more real label and explanation of "contractions" and some other health difficulties than my simply using the vague line, "Mama isn't feeling well, so I need your help."
When I'm having painful contractions for three hours right during the dinner and clean-up hour, I'm asking the 8- and 10-year-olds to completely be my body for me while I sit in a kitchen chair directing them how to make the dinner. They're accustomed to helping me a lot, but while I work alongside them, not while I sit in a chair, appearing to be lazy. Big emotional difference.
We're having regular discussions about how these last weeks are very trying for all involved, we're all having more opportunities for sanctification than we could ever want, and that Daddy and children are stretching themselves far in how much they have to help physically while Mama is stretching herself with how much she has to let go of control and be content with being in homemaker's "survival mode."
4. Messier and Messier
I'm guarding my energy carefully each day in hopes of most nights being able to assemble a simple dinner. That means I can only clean up so much, which ain't very much. I've begun noticing that my house is becoming a disaster area . . . zone by zone. I require so much help of the children already, and I'm trying not to be an absolute slave driver, which means tolerating a lot more mess.
Please, I hope this is sanctifying me!
5. Organizing
The organizing does continue (amidst the messes surrounding me).
I had collected art and school papers for months and months, so I finally threw out most of the papers, sorted the rest into piles by child, and stored them in each child's annual binder.
I also moved our holy reading and prayer corner out of the den--which gets too busy and noisy in the mornings--to the dining room, which remains ever peaceful and empty.
An inviting prayer corner |
You can see laminated sheets sticking out of the books, which are each child's individual prayer sheets.
Margaret (6) doing her holy reading |
I will share photos of our rearranged Bonus Room when the new sleeper sofa gets moved up there by some strong teenage boys!
6. Outings and Events
I pretty much stayed inside these four walls. My husband is taking the children almost everywhere they need to go, and I only go somewhere if he can't.
It is hurting my heart that the children are now approaching me with very polite tone of voice, "Mama, I have a question . . . and I know you'll probably say no! But, just in case, do you think we could . . . [go somewhere/do something]?"
7. Midwifery Appointment
All is well. My blood pressure remains good!
I hired a babysitter that morning so I could go alone to my midwifery appointment and then retrieve Thomas to take him to his two-year well-child check. In between, I had some time to spare all by myself. Should I read at a coffee shop? Should I roam a book store? Should I peruse a clothing store?
I pulled into a parking lot and took a nap in my van . . . mamas, you know you're envious!
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