Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Weekend Jaunt to Virginia

A special talk by one of our favorite priests was going to be given on Sunday, so Chris took our two oldest kids to be family emissaries, while I (with a slight head cold brewing) stayed home with the two littlest ones. Traveling without the littles makes a weekend dash like that so easy for which to pack, so easy on which to drive the four hours!

I took my girl to a 'special' sit-down dinner at Chik-Fil-A.

Meanwhile, I tried to 'spin it' for Margaret that we were having a special Mommy-Margaret weekend. She had a lot of fun with me, but by the end of the weekend was crying often for Daddy, as he'd been gone on business the entire week prior.

My baby so happy nearly all the time!

Chris took the bigs to dinner at a great, small town pizza joint.
The children enjoyed swimming in the hotel swimming pool before Mass and apparently were well-behaved through the priest's talk and reception afterward as well.

It's worth driving four hours to see Fr. John Berg, FSSP, because it is a lot closer than flying to Switzerland where he lives.
Common interests: John wanted to show Father that he, too, knows some Latin, so he counted to ten in Latin for him.

Fr. Robert Novokowsky, FSSP, who married us, standing with our first two children

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