Friday, December 20, 2013

Leonard Bearstein Syphony Orchestra

On Friday, Grampa Neil and I met friends and took the children to the Leonard Bearstein Symphony Orchestra for a free little 'concert' of Christmas music in a downtown lobby of a corporate headquarters building.

Two dear friends, aged 5 and 6

The children were quite drawn to the bears, the event was free, and I got to chat with my friend, so that was successful.

After the concert, we went for lunch and then things started to go a bit haywire. The children's restaurant behavior was far less than their norm, but I hoped perhaps we went somewhat unnoticed amidst the din of a very busy restaurant during the lunch hour in the heart of downtown.

Then we tried to make our way back to the parking garage, which we could actually see in the distance across the street. However, we got lost in what I can only describe as the various levels of Dante's hell for about a half hour. Our children were getting more and more wired up, and my two-year-old was melting down into full, exhausted tantrum and having to be dragged while she cried and screamed. We'd go up one elevator, cross a walkway, down another elevator, find ourselves in a service-only area, lurking in dank, secret hallways behind restaurants and shops, go here, go there, stairs, elevators, a whirlwind of doors, always more doors and never any direction signs . . . and always we could see the parking garage in the distance but couldn't get there.

We made it back to home, sweet home, but it's possible I have a few new gray hairs.


  1. How wonderful! My kids would have loved this!

  2. I'm sorry it was horrific after the nice experience. How do you hear of all these great things?

  3. Priscilla: I wouldn't have known of this except that my friend (whose husband works in the building) had gone in years past and mentioned it to me.
