Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Self-Isolation Day #53

Tuesday, Self-Isolation Day #53

We request continued prayers for my husband's mother D. She has been sick with COVID-19 for about five weeks (now negative, but still sick) and is now out of ICU and recovering at a long-term, acute care facility. She is still on a ventilator, and we are told this facility specializes in breathing therapy to get her independent of the ventilator. 

Today was exciting and full of unusual occurrences! In one day, Chris defeated a yellow jacket, John caught a bird, I pulled glass out of a screaming boy's foot, we had annual standardized testing done, and we narrowly avoided tornadoes and hail.

Yesterday, a large, frightening buzzing insect flew into the house and into a kitchen cupboard, where we trapped and sealed it inside while we decided what to do.

We had formulated a plan to use a vacuum extension this morning, but had not yet executed the plan. Chris was quietly sipping his morning coffee when he felt something crawling on his neck. He grabbed it with his bare hands, threw it on the ground--now half dead from the assault--and then stomped on it. Later he opened the now empty cupboard and discovered it was the very one and the same insect, which we believe to have been a yellow jacket.

In our generally quiet lives, this sort of thing is a lot of excitement!

Barely had we finished breakfast and stopped talking about the yellow jacket, when a bird flew smack into our window and our resident Friend of All Wildlife raced outside and picked it up with his bare hands!

John (13) holding the bird

We believe the stunned bird was a Gray Catbird.

Sweet Joseph (7) is so eager for us to plant the little garden kit his Grandpa gave him. I've told him we have to wait this week beyond the cold front coming that will bring near freezing overnight temperatures, but daily Joseph gets out all the supplies, examines them, and has already written plant names on his labels.

Joseph (7) took this photo

Joseph also stepped on glass today and I got to pull the shard out of his foot while he screamed bloody murder in my ear.

All these adventures were happening while we took the day off of school because we would be having our Annual Standardized Testing (declared an Essential Service by the state) in the afternoon. We've always used a professional tester who gives the Woodcock-Johnson test.

Knowing we would be there almost five hours to test four students, we all brought excellent reading to bide our time. We actually had a lovely time and I took a good nap in a recliner!

The results are in and the kids are learning very well, hardly even justifying my occasional tears and frequent laments that "I can't do this!" and "There is not enough of me to go around!" We always celebrate Testing Day with a restaurant meal (this year take-out) and dessert: so much fun!

The day ended with a big storm of super cells passing just barely south of us, about ten minutes' away at the state border. Other areas within the storm's reach were hit by tornadoes and many by huge hail the size of golf balls and even as big as the palm of a man's hand.

Bonus Reading for Posterity:

1 comment:

  1. We had storm cells over us coming from the south last night, and it was fun to watch from my second story window! (They would be sissy ones compared to what you get in North Carolina, but I was quite amused.)
