Sunday, March 29, 2020

Self-Isolation Day #16

Sunday, Self-Isolation Day #16

Our family is ready to ask for specific prayers publicly: Chris' dear mother D. and the children's beloved grandmother who makes her famous applesauce for us and "loves them to the moon and back!" is fighting for her life with a confirmed case of COVID-19. She entered the hospital on Friday and transferred to ICU today. Just as we are all reading in the news, it is very sorrowful for patients of COVID because due to contagion they must be completely isolated: no spouse, no grown children surrounding the patient in the time of dire need. Please pray for these patients suffering alone and scared, deprived of their loved ones.

One beautiful moment and success in this situation is that D., a lifetime and devout Catholic, was able to receive the last sacraments. As we are all reading in the news, it is nigh impossible for priests to get into hospitals to give last rites to COVID patients. Chris has "moved heaven and earth" for two days, with hundreds of people praying for this intention, to (1) find a priest willing to go into the room wearing PPE and (2) get the hospital to be willing to change policy. After consulting with a lawyer, Chris knew the right words to say and said them very firmly, but kindly: the decision went all the levels up to the top executives of the hospital chain who then granted permission. PRAISE GOD!

Our advice to all our Catholic blog readers is to remain "spiritually healthy" at this time: Continue going to Confession weekly because if you catch COVID, your ability to access that sacrament nearly vanishes.

We pray for D.'s body to be strong enough to fight and we unite ourselves to God's will in this situation.

Daily board games

Girls serenading each of the neighboring homes with violin music:
neighbors came to sit on the porch and watch!

Home hair cuts

Home hair cuts

Home hair cuts

Home hair cuts

News coverage for posterity: President Trump extends the "Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread" campaign for another month, till April 29.


  1. Prayers for you all, especially D. So glad the priest was able to get to her.


  2. We are desperately praying and have all our family and friends praying for our sweet friend, more like a sister to me. We also are praying for K, M, D and T. K and M were her caregivers and are highly exposed.
    Please in your prayers pray for the Doctors and nurses that are treating these patients. We have 3 Granddaughters, 2RN’s and 1Doctor working in ER’s without enough PPE.
    Thank you Chris for all your loving work to get the priest.
    Prayers for all����

  3. Praying for you all, especially D!! Praise God for working that miracle!!!

  4. Oh how dreadful. Have been praying, am praying, will continue to pray.

  5. Dear Lauer family, We are all deeply saddened to hear that your dear mother is sick and will pray earnestly for her recovery. Following your lead to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the sick who are in isolation, this morning I had a sense that my prayers were for a kind lady. I feel strongly about this Chaplet because I witnessed first hand how it helped a loved one who was recovering from a serious operation. Your mother must surely feel the comfort of everyone’s prayers. Chris your persistence to have a Priest visit her is praise worthy and hopefully others will be inspired to do the same for their loved ones. Ann
