On Sunday, we celebrated our twelfth wedding anniversary! It was delightful that our actual anniversary day fell on a Sunday this year, which is already a relaxed, family day.
I came downstairs first to find beautiful flowers, cards, and a gift. (The CD turned out to be a rogue birthday gift from someone that got mixed in by accident.) For anyone who knows my two-year-old, you will not be surprised that, in three separate naughty incidences, he opened my cards, opened my gift, and removed flowers from the vase.
After legitimately opening the lovely gift and absolutely lovely cards from husband and children, we enjoyed a fancy breakfast of homemade waffles, berries, bacon, eggs, sausage rolls--and brownies!
After Mass, we had arranged for a babysitter, so while the kids ate frozen pizza at home, we enjoyed a feast at Maggiano's restaurant, with only our wee five-month-old in tow.
I will end this brief blog post with a humorous anecdote: After dinner, we were right there at the mall, so we stopped in the Apple store to inquire about the Apple TV, explaining that we haven't been as happy as possible with the Amazon Fire parental controls. Chris is so good at breaking the ice and making people comfort, so he said to our very hip salesperson Dirk, "Just so you know what kind of parental controls we're looking for, we have six kids and we homeschool them. You can draw any kind of stereotypes you want from that and they're probably true." All parties laughed!
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