Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Bright-Eyed and Bushy-Tailed

There is always that first day when The Baby stays awake all day, no naps despite best efforts.

I survived. The 18-month-old survived.

That's all.


  1. Eeeek! Wishing everyone a good nights sleep! :-)

  2. Oh my!! Alex and Aidan really still physically need their naps almost every day at 28 months and 3.5 years! I had one quit napping at 16 months though... Best of luck.

  3. Amazingly, Joseph did not even fall asleep early, despite my trying to get him down about two hours before usual. We had been out and about all afternoon at co-op, but he kept not falling asleep in the car, in the stroller, or on my back. I think perhaps he's reaching that age at which the toddler really needs to be home in his bed to fall asleep.

    My #1 napped at least till age 4 and still would nap if I let him. My #2 shocked me by dropping her naps at 18 months, and since then she'd slept hard for 12 hours overnight but never during the day. #3 still naps daily at three-and-a-half. Let's hope #4 keeps napping for a long time.
