Tuesday, February 11, 2014

White Eggs and Other Absurdities

Free of charge, please enjoy some little bits of humor from around here . . .

The farm eggs I buy happen to be brown. The other day we ran out, so Chris ran to the grocery store and bought some eggs which happened to be white.

Margaret (almost 3): "Look, the eggs are white! Eggs can't be white! White eggs?" And she laughed herself silly, pretty much every time she saw the eggs come out at breakfast. "I'm going to eat white eggs!" she'd laugh at the novelty of it all.

You know a homeschooling family when . . .

The children watched a cartoon, the episode of which was about a public school teacher of a band class--kids all the same age and of varying skin colors--which was awaiting delivery of its new piano. At the meal table, when Mary (5) was recounting to us what she had watched, she explained, "The show was about a homeschool and all the kids played music, and the mommy taught them, and they were waiting for their piano . . ."