Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Trying the Pak-N-Play

Now that Joseph crawls incessantly and repeatedly toward my exercise machine in the morning . . .

. . . and pulls the books off the shelves during school time . . .

. . . he has graduated to being in a Pak-N-Play at times. I've barely used these containment devices I bought at a consignment sale when my firstborn was a baby, but we'll see if that changes some now. I'd not yet been a homeschooling mother of four until now!


  1. Does he actually stay in it happily? My kids never, ever would!

  2. Christine: No, so far Joseph is not a fan. I've had no success with Pak-N-Plays with the prior babies, but I guess I'm a sucker for trying again. Mostly I prefer to wear babies, but I can't *always* manage it. Especially at exercise time, that one is really tricky because it's a real danger for the baby to be crawling toward the machine. As I've been trying to accustom Joseph to short spurts in the prison chamber, I've been assigning his siblings to sit and entertain him. Maybe that will help.
