Thursday, June 6, 2013

Magnum Opus

A homeschooler's moment: When the four-year-old points to a structure she built with blocks and says with seriousness, "Mama, that is my magnum opus. That is Latin for 'great work.' That is my great work." (Bonus points if you know from what literature she learned that.)

Bonus Reading: "On Momotony and Sacred Work" by Glennon Melton--totally disagreeing with her suggestion that we relax with immoral and trashy TV! A useful guide I use to know when I've watched something harming to my soul is Philippians 4:8: "Finally, brothers, let your minds be filled with everything that is true, everything that is honourable, everything that is upright and pure, everything that we love and admire -- with whatever is good and praiseworthy."

But that warning made, I liked her article. I have long thought about motherhood as similar to life in a monastery. I remember how when St. Therese of Lisieux would hear the convent's bell rung, she'd set down her work instantly, not even stopping to cross the T or dot the I. How often do we do the same when we are needed? How often do we delay and do our own thing, ignoring what God needs us to do in that moment? (By no means am I perfect here, just asking thoughtful questions.)


  1. Charlotte's Web!

    And I agree about being able to just put down our work or even our own leisure activities when we are called. I can't even count how many times I've said, "I'll be right there after I finish...x..y..z" And 20mins later I'm finally ready to be available.

  2. Anna: I think it's a tough balance. In some areas, our children, especially at increasing ages, need to learn patience, that it isn't okay to interrupt Mama for their every whim. One area where I know I struggle and probably many mothers do is discipline: we hear the mischief brewing or we hear the sibling fight breaking out but we don't want to stop what we're doing, so we let it slide. Or we delay response.

    In my ideal, I'd be more formal, e.g., "Kids, this is my 15 minutes on the computer. You may not interrupt me. I am setting a timer." But then at a non-official time, I wouldn't be on the computer.
