Sunday, October 21, 2012

Snapshots of Our Week

On Friday we enjoyed another theatre performance (just so happened that two of the four performances for which I bought tickets fell in the same week).  We saw "The Fisherman and His Wife," this show geared to ages three through five. The actors encouraged audience participation in making noises and hand motions for waves, wind, storms, and echoes, so it was a real hit with the littles--although confusing for my two because I had so thoroughly taught them for Monday's play (geared to older children) Theatre Behavior: be still, be silent, do not clap until the appropriate times!!!

New workbox: filling in missing numbers in a series of apples

New workbox: The children counted dots, then matched a clothes pin with the correct numeral to the right spot. This helped the children learn to recognize their numerals and challenged them to count dots carefully. Interestingly--and I don't know why--but this helped John finally "see" the pattern of numbers as we count 10 through 20. This one was a big hit with the kids. 

A sweet moment of reading BOB books with Mary

Photos taken by John of me (25 weeks pregnant and gaining way too much weight this time) and even posted in honor of this excellent article, "The Mom Stays in the Picture." All moms donating their bodies to growing babies and then thinking they're not worthy to be seen are encouraged to read the article!

Margaret stripping a chicken wing, tapping in to the Buffalo, NY, roots on her daddy's side

Overheard . . . 

I observe often the negotiation of John trying to play action games and Mary trying to play relational games.

John: "Let's play rocket ship!"

Mary: "No, I want to play school time!"

John: "I know! Let's pretend that there were no horses and no cars to get us to school so we have to take a rocket ship to get there!"

Mary: "Okay!"


Last but not least, you know you're Catholic (and that your husband is awesome!) when you ask him to occupy the children for a few hours so you can sew All Saints' Day costumes and he says, "Sure, I was thinking of going to pray down at the abortion clinic, so I think I'll take them with me." (And then you know your husband is double-awesome when he calls you on the way home from praying for babies to say, "Do you want me to pick up dinner at the grocery store deli so you can keep sewing?")


  1. Needed that "The Mom Stays in the Picture" post!! I'm usually the one behind the camera and not a fan of actually being IN photos...even more so with this third pregnancy. What a good reminder to me about what's really important.

    And I love John and Mary's "compromise.". Sounds like my kiddos. :)
