Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

Today we carved pumpkins in anticipation of the Feast of All Saints' vigil party tomorrow night. The kids wanted to enter the pumpkin-carving contest, but then they desperately wanted their pumpkins carved, not just decorated. I told them they were too young to carve themselves, so they did the drawing and I did the carving; I assume we will enter in the "family pumpkin" category as a result (instead of the 5 and younger category), but that's okay.

I really wanted the children to do their own decorating, so I had them first sketch out their plans. John wanted to carve our church into the pumpkin and Mary wanted to carve a girl's face. Note the "tongue of concentration."

Mary drawing the girl's face in marker, which I wiped off after I'd carved over her lines

She was almost paralyzed with concern about the bumps on the pumpkin messing up her drawing. 

What is a church without red and gold sparkles to give it pizazz?

Mary was curious about toasting pumpkin seeds, so I prepared them following this recipe for Caramelized Spicy Pumpkin Seeds. I substituted real butter for olive oil and the caramelizing white sugar for brown sugar: results excellent.

And now six-month-pregnant mama's back hurts, so she has to lie down!


  1. Love the tongue of concentration and John's drawing really does look like St. Ann's! Great job!

  2. I am dreading this project for tomorrow! I just cant get in the spirit of pumpkin carving...We did finish costumes today and I just have to finish our game!!! Your littles always inspire me though, to reevaluate the ability my littles have...See you tomorrow!

  3. Claire: I was quite subdued by the pumpkin project! I went to bed at 8:00 to get off my feet and my back really tightened up on me. Also, carving set off the pregnancy-induced carpel tunnel syndrome in my wrists. I realized that small of a physical project was really hard for me, so I can only imagine for you later in pregnancy. I'm going to try to take it easy all afternoon (as in lay down) in preparation for being on my feet at the party.

  4. Pumpkin carving is Dad's job in this house!

    If you get those little pumpkin carving tools, the kids can use the "poker" to poke holes all along their lines, and they might even be able to handle the tiny saws after doing that. Carving is easier after poking the holes, anyway.

  5. I really dislike carving pumpkins. I never was into it as a kid, and as a parent I'm no more enthused. Thanks to The Pumpkin Patch Parable, though, the kids do like to carve pumpkins. Choir rehearsal was canceled for tonight (as well early dismissal for many of the schools in our area-- ridiculous!) so my husband will be home to take on that project. Then we will shut off all the lights and pretend we aren't home when the doorbell starts ringing!

  6. I've been procrastinating on the pumpkin carving project around here myself...but will be tackling it this afternoon after Emma's home from school. Been much too tired and achy to do much of anything these days! :(

  7. Sara: Great idea to buy the carving kit next year and about poking the holes first! Chris offered to do the carving, but he didn't have time till after dinner and I thought the kids would be too tired that particular day. But I didn't know how sore my wrists would be when I declined his offer!

  8. Courtney: Thanks for sharing that book title. I just read about it on Amazon and it sounds sweet.
