Thursday, September 27, 2012

In Which She Did Not Break Her Arm

We experienced drama last night, but the punch line is that Mary did not break her arm. In the afternoon, she fell about five feet out of a tree, not even that high and not her first time. But it was the first time that an hour and a half later, Mary was still crying every time we tried to move or touch her. Grampa Neil had just arrived from California and I had plans to make a celebratory dinner when Daddy took Mary off to Urgent Care. (For my local friends, there is a great new children's Urgent Care that opened up at Blakeney--super clean, friendly staff, no wait!)

Waiting with Winnie-the-Pooh  

Getting her x-ray, which showed no broken bones in her arm, collar bone, or ribs 

The doctors said she has internal contusions. I had thought when Chris was bringing home a girl without any broken bones that I'd feel foolish for our having been so concerned, but I don't. Mary is still so very tender! She won't use her right arm and bursts into tears at being touched or dressed, or trying to climb in or out of a car seat, high chair, or potty. She began crying when she tried to lay down last night, so she slept propped up high on pillows. She can't even feed herself with her right hand. She won't carry her her beloved stuffed animal with her injured side.

Don't let the briefly given smile fool you, she's spending a lot of time in tears

Last night she got home late and the snacks I'd sent her with didn't make up for dinner. I ended up tucking her into bed and spoon-feeding her chocolate pudding. Then this morning she was in such pain and tears (despite being on over-the-counter pain medication) that I made her a special treat of a strawberry ice cream shake for breakfast (yes, I sneaked in protein powder). I can see that if I had a child with a long or chronic illness, I'd have to exercise some serious self-control about pampering the child to excess! It's just that my heart is hurting to see my very active girl moving about so gingerly and crying often.


  1. Poor little thing! I hope she heals quickly and is back to her spunky self, soon!

  2. How scary for all of you, and praise God for no broken bones or more serious injury! Poor, sweet Mary. I'll bet she is very sore after a fall like that; it sounds terribly painful. :-( We hope she feels better soon.

  3. Ouch! Poor girl! I hope she turns around today.

  4. Ha ha to your comment about excess! This is why little Anna has the behavior problems she does!! We let her get away with MURDER! And oy do we pay for it now!

  5. Prayers for a speedy recovery! (And I'm the same way with treats. When my 6 year old was injured at swimming over the summer, he had no end of special things while he was out of commission!)

  6. Oh, I am so sorry!!! That sounds so painful!! I hope Mary begins to feel better! Did they say how long the pain with last?
    We were at that urgent care the night before because Audrey had developed an infection in her
    Leg. It's super nice!

  7. Mari, so sorry about Audrey's infection! Yikes! Yes, I thought you'd enjoy that urgent care. I don't know how long the pain should last but she's still in tremendous pain as of Friday, 48 hours later.

  8. Poor little dear. Hope the pain subsides soon.

  9. Poor girl! Glad she didn't break anything!!!!
