Friday, August 24, 2012

Swinging from Trees

Chris has always wanted a rope swing and a few weeks ago installed one. We still have to buy a proper kind of seat (there are various types), so are using the baby swing seat for now.

The arc that the child is swinging is something around 60 feet.

Let's just say that watching this has taken some acclimation for Mama. It's my job to make sure our precious children never get hurt (the other day John asked me sincerely, "why do you worry so much?"), but I think daddies have an additional sort of job involving learning risk-taking and bravery.

John swinging from the tree, as videotaped from the second story window

At 17 months, Margaret now "smiles" on cue for the camera.


  1. I have such fond memories of the rope swing at my Grandparent's house...

  2. Margaret's smile reminds me of when John would "smile" for the camera :)

  3. Awesome! Love the toddler smiles too!
