Saturday, April 7, 2012

Holy Saturday 2012

The week was more chaotic than I'd hoped (does anyone ever hope for chaos?), but in between the many doctors' appointments and when the children were feeling soothed by medicine, we were able to do some Easter activities.

We decorated Easter candles (idea from Catholic Icing).

These were candles from the dollar store. 

I did all the scratch-in designs, the children did the painting.
Coloring Easter eggs

I sure was glad I bought the Easter basket supplies weeks ago since I lost my buffer of free time this week.
On Holy Saturday we went to our parish for the traditional blessing of Easter baskets. In future years, I hope to get it even more "together" to put traditional food items in our basket.

Lighting our Easter candles for our (very simple) dinner on the vigil of Easter
The children have removed all the thorns from Jesus' crown through their good deeds during Lent!

On an ending note, this week Margaret has become enthralled with taking things out and putting things in. I discovered her new interest when I was cooking dinner and Margaret emptied a large box of crayons on the kitchen floor. I was at too busy of a moment to pick up the mess, so I left her there and realized that she played quietly for a solid 20 minutes. I kept checking on her and she was not eating the crayons: she was diligently putting them one by one in the box all lined up, then taking them out, then putting them back in. Throughout the week, I gave her piles of things (like the above wooden blocks) to put away and she would sit for 20 to 30 minutes. I can even say, "Margaret, can you put that inside?" and she stumps over (a la Winnie the Pooh), picks up the thing, and throws it in the container.

Let's just say, I'm giving the girl her own basket at Sunday's Easter egg hunt and letting her loose because I think she's going to do great!

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