Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Happy Easter! We are feeling so blessed that the children were well enough and purportedly not contagious in the nick of time for us to celebrate Easter Sunday.

You know you're Catholic when . . . Upon arriving at Mass and seeing the tabernacle doors closed, when Mary (3) had seen them open on Good Friday and Holy Saturday services with Daddy, Mary exclaimed, "Look, Daddy! The tabernacle doors are closed! That means Jesus' body is back inside!" And in contrast, when we arrived at the restaurant for brunch after Mass, Mary pointed and laughed, "Mama, they drew a rabbit on their sign today. That's so funny!" (because apparently she has not had occasion to hear of the Easter bunny).

After brunch, we came home to open the family Easter basket.

Then we went back to our parish for the children's Easter egg hunt. Mary was hampered by her confusion: as she picked each egg, she opened it to examine the contents before placing it in her basket, thereby slowing her down compared to the children who understood to grab as many eggs as quickly as possible! What made this even funnier to watch is that all the plastic eggs contained exactly the same candies (two Tootsie rolls).

Then we headed over to a friends' home with a third family, changed into more comfortable clothes, and had a great seven hours or so of eating, gabbing, and playing in the back yard in the exquisite weather (sunny, 70s). Eight adults and ten children made for a great and noisy time.

We call these two alpha female three-year-olds "the MGs" because they are Mary Genevieve and Mary Grace.