Sunday, January 15, 2012

The First Half of Aunt Erica's Visit

My dear Aunt Erica has been visiting from Oregon and we are having a lovely time.

Playing checkers with John who is getting really good
John sometimes gets to tag along on business lunches with Daddy--where he sometimes fall asleep because that is his afternoon Quiet Time.
We are enjoying Erica playing the piano for us and teaching John a thing or two.

It turns out that Margaret is thrilled with the piano, so will sit on Auntie's lap and bounce with joy.

On Saturday, Erica and I enjoyed a very early girls' breakfast out at a cute, non-chain local cafe I found near our home. I'll be visiting there again in the future.
Later that day, I had the honor of hosting a baby shower for my friend Meghan!
Baby Cyprian and Baby Margaret (six weeks apart in age) sure hit it off and played together throughout the party.

After Mass today, we enjoyed brunch out at one of our favorite haunts.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! And a baby shower... Awesome :-) love the name Cyprian... Too bad it doesn't start with "A"... Lol
