Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mama Home Alone: Day 2

Waking up home alone-with-the-baby on Day 2 started out luxuriously, with my not rising from my slug-a-bug bed till seven o'clock, but before I had breakfast cooked my Nervous Nellie worries came true when Chris called me to report that he needed to take John to some kind of urgent care.

John had rolled out of the top bunk in the night and in the morning his neck was hurting so much, he wouldn't move it and was still crying.

So, Mama spent the next three hours crying herself as she worried about her firstborn and wished she were with him. For a while, I tried to distract myself by finishing writing our Christmas cards, but I'd write down the wrong names, wrong words, and have to scratch out a lot, so I gave up. (Therefore, if you receive a card in the mail with scratched-out words, you'll know when I was writing it!)

Checking vitals at Children's Hospital of Atlanta

Prepping for x ray 

Mary sees no reason to stop climbing anything that can be climbed

My little, vulnerable boy being wheeled down the hall for an x ray

The diagnosis was simply a sprained neck, so the doctor's prescription was children's ibuprofen and taking it easy. Daddy's additional prescription was an ice cream shake!

Praise God! Thank you to the Blessed Virgin Mother to whose maternal care I commended John when I couldn't be there; to St. John the Baptist who, as our priest said to me, knows about head injuries; and to Our Lord for not allowing John's injury to be worse.

The rest of my day at home was a bit emotionally subdued because of all that "excitement," but I did finish writing Christmas cards, sewing Christmas gifts, planning the Christmas meals and placing the online grocery order, and wrapping the Christmas gifts.


  1. Oh, I can imagine how worried you must have been. So glad that all ended up well. Praise God!

  2. Poor John; it must have been so scary for him to have hurt his neck like that. Definitely praising God that he is okay. We should never underestimate the power of prayer. That and the miraculous, boo-boo-healing power of a milkshake! :)

  3. I do think it was milkshake-worthy and that picture of little pitiful John on the gurney being rolled down the hall was something that made this mama have a lump in her throat.

  4. Elaine: Yes, that pic made me cry when Chris emailed it to me as things were happening.
