Sunday, November 27, 2011


Do you know how many times in the last few days I've commented to Chris with a lack of cheerfulness, shall we say, "This baby is never going to sleep again."

She's been taking very few naps, and what naps she finally manages to take last 45 minutes or even far less. This makes her quite crabby throughout the day because she is tired. Overnight, she has been waking often all night: about every 45 minutes. For a week she's been waking for the day around 4:30 a.m., which means so have I.

Surprise, surprise (which it shouldn't have been), this morning I discovered that Margaret's top right tooth cut through (those are so big!) and the top left tooth is pushing hard against the gums. No wonder!

I know that her sleep will probably remain really poor while the other tooth is coming through, but at least I'll feel more sympathy for her, knowing the reason.

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