Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

This year, our parish hosted a pumpkin patch for the first time, so I took the children today to check it out. The organizers did a lovely job: the kids could play on the playground, do a scavenger hunt, get temporary tattoos, play a guess-the-candies-in-the-jar game, and buy baked goods. Plus, the pumpkins were unbelievably inexpensive--but shhhh! Don't tell that to the parish or they might raise prices next year!
This is the facial expression of two kids who have been told they may not play and run free until mama gets her requisite wonderful fall photo with pumpkins. I have a whole series of photos of scowling kids with a smiling baby.

Speaking of Mary in action on top of the dome (going up and down it as nimble as a squirrel), a boy who couldn't have been older than eight told me sternly, "You need to be watching your baby, you know."

Afterward the kids enjoyed cupcakes on the brick wall of the Poor Clares' convent on our parish grounds.

The nuns run a gift shop in their convent which we had never visited, so I wiped the children down and we went shopping. It is a little brave and a little foolhardy to take two little ones (no stroller) and a baby into a small gift shop with statues and trinkets, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a lovely time! And that gift shop is wonderful, but I don't know that I'd take three kids in it! Very brave indeed.
