Wednesday, September 7, 2011

You Know It's Back-to-School Time When

August 25: First day back to public school in our county

3: Days later when sickness hit our family (me first, then John the next week)--after being sickness-free all summer--even though we're not enrolled in school or any classes. It's that illness season of year again, which I can count on like clockwork.

Astonishingly little: Amount of sleep I got last night due to the baby screaming, such that I was almost delirious

6:00 a.m.: When I heard a weak, "Mommy!"

Lost count: Of how many times John threw up this morning

Many: Tears shed by John over how much his throat hurt

10: Minutes' notice given to me for the only remaining appointment at the doctor's office, which the nurse scared me into taking after I called her simply to ask what a four-year-old could take for a sore throat.

15: The number of minutes the baby had been blessedly asleep for her afternoon nap when I had to wake her up to take her with us to the doctor's appointment. You can imagine how fun that trip was for the baby who does not sleep when we are out and about. Even the doctor could hardly contain rolling his eyes at how I'd been scared into dragging all my kids to the doctor's office. John tested negative for strep.

17 lbs 8.5 oz: Weight of Margaret at 5-1/2 months, which I learned at the doctor's appointment (making her a John-sized baby at this age, a little smaller than Mary was). By the way, she can sit tripod-style now!

7: Loads of laundry created by one day's illness in one little child

2: Minimum number of events we're going to have to cancel in order to be polite and try not to spread our illness around further

Lots more: Patience I need in my heart


  1. ughh see that is the sort of day where I DO allow movies/TV all day. That way I know where everyone is. Everyone is resting and contained. Misery!!

    Have you taught John to run for the toilet when his tummy feels pukey?? Ben recently learned this when we were having a lot of puking (for unknown reasons...well my kids puke more than the average kid I would imagine) and now Anna will go to puke in toilet too. Saves SOOO much on clean up!! Also when Ben had stomach bug at Christmas I thankfully had a bunch of chucks around from various hospital stays and they are awesome to put on his bed or whereever he is and may puke.

    Little Margaret weighs more, by two pounds, than what Anna weighed at a year. Sad isn't it?

  2. Jamie: Oh yes, I allow TV all day when kids are sick too! TV mesmerizes John for a long time, but Mary for not as long. So she watches for a bit, then wanders off. (I'm sure as she gets older, she'll be more mesmerized.)

    John is bowl-trained, but he doesn't run to the toilet to throw up yet. And sometimes he just doesn't have time. So, yeah, that causes more clean-up.

    Sweet Anna--so petite! I want to measure Margaret's length because even though she is a little lighter than Mary at this age, the same outfits are barely fitting because I almost can't snap them on lengthwise. It occurred to me today that perhaps Margaret is longer.

  3. How is evveryone doing today?

    Margaret definitely looks "thinner" then Mary did as an infant. She had such nice chunky rolls. I am betting you are right and Margaret is longer.

    Ben has summer shorts (where length doesn't matter so much) that are 12 and 18M size that he is still wearing. And Anna has a pair of 3-6 shorts that she is still wearing!! Pants, dresses, shirts she is in 2T because she is pretty average/normal height for her age. But they have tiny waists and tushes I guess!

  4. Isn't it fun to see how the the same clothes fit the girls differently. I'm going through that now with the baby at 9 months wearing clothes that Monica wore when she was over a year old. How funny!!!

    Margaret has the sweetest face!

  5. Jamie I am so relieved to hear another baby that was 15-16 lbs at a year! Ha ha my poor tiny 13 month old Estella is perfectly healthy and just small but I feel so self conscious about it! She gets it from her dad who was still nearly infant-sized when potty trained, walking and talking. :)

  6. Jamie: Everyone woke up happy and healthy on Thursday morning! No signs of more illness at this point. I am grateful.

  7. Sarah don't feel too relieved by my story. Anna was a very sick little girl and we had no idea. Glad to hear your little one is just a petite little one.
