Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thank You for Prayers

Thank you for your prayers!

Chris' surgery went well. The doctor said he found what he expected to find, he repaired it, and everything went as expected. I got to visit with Chris for about 15 minutes in Recovery and he is feeling as well as can be expected after such a surgery.

And now the very lengthy recovery period will begin--so any continuing prayers for us will be appreciated!


  1. Thinking of you and yours during the recovery process!

  2. I saw no warning of this -- and my heart goes out to you: the surgery being a sucess is good news...but the recovery will be long & arduous
    (the children will have difficult questions, but they will be good at entertaining their father, and even Margaret who is now doing some
    new thing almost every day will do her 'part' at 'distracting' poor Daddy). You must see that you get some 'rest/down time' for yourself as well: running yourself down will not help anything.

  3. I love the new family picture. John resembles you a lot, and the girls their father. Beautiful family.
