Friday, September 23, 2011

Margaret Sits and Eats

Earlier this week John decided that he's big enough now not to need a booster seat anymore. I was planning to buy Margaret a lovely, old-fashioned wooden high chair within the month, but I realized that she probably fits just fine in the plastic booster seat John just vacated. Indeed, she fits just fine and enjoys very much her new, high vantage point, so I guess I can no longer justify a handsome wooden high chair!

I love the way Margaret has "discovered her tongue" in the last week or two. She often sticks it out now and it's so cute!

Margaret has tried a few solid foods now. John had such a rough start with solids, really not being able to start eating solids till 15 months old. So when Mary came along, I was anxious and eager to start feeding her solids to make sure she could eat them: and she could--with relish! Now I feel relaxed. So far, Margaret has tried smidgens (1/16 of a teaspoon) of brown rice cereal, red bell pepper hummus, and smooth, homemade apple sauce (the latter of which made her gag, interestingly).

Oh--and if anyone can--please send Margaret a memo that at six months old she really still needs to take naps during the day time, especially if she's going to wake up at 5:30 a.m. and stay up till nine at night most days. Like, seriously, she needs to nap.


  1. Oh my gosh- cutest picture ever with her little tongue sticking out!! She's so big now! And, yes, she NEEDS to be napping- I can't imagine how she does it.

  2. What? no naps??
    I can't believe she's starting solids already... that means Clara probably will too in a few weeks! I don't think I'm ready!!

  3. Sarah: It had been quite a few days of Margaret barely napping! She'd sleep *maybe* 45 minutes once or twice, and sometimes only 20 minutes. I was going BATTY. But then yesterday and today she napped beautifully for two sessions of a couple hours each. I don't know why!

    Re: solids, it really snuck up on me. One morning, I was eating some hot brown rice cereal with the baby on my lap as usual and it just crossed my mind, "Huh. I guess she's six months old. I guess that's when some babies starting eating solids. I wonder what would happen." So I gave her a little bit and she did not have a tongue thrust reflex. I did it again, and she just accepted it quizzically. And that was it. So little fanfare compared to the first two!

  4. SOLIDS?!? Can she be that old? Where did the time go?
    And Simon has discovered his tongue this week as well and plays with it constantly. It is so hysterical. I was wondering if he was getting teeth or something and was feeling them with his tongue, but no...
