Monday, September 26, 2011


Our camera is still lost or evaporated or stolen, so I don't have video of the latest inchworm to join our family . . . Miss Margaret in action!

Today I noticed her really starting to scooch. She'd spy a toy and stare at it with determination so strong that, if her eyes could draw the toy to her, they would have done so. She was very quiet about it all, but would draw her knees up under her, and then sort of fling herself forward and move a couple of inches. She'd repeat the scooching until she got there.

And then Mary (who else, I ask you?) would swoop over and take the toy away as soon as Margaret laid her hand on it, noting that it was "my toy!" (And then Big Mama would do her own swooping in, of course.) Oh well, nothing should surprise me after the phase when two-year-old John would scream in rage that six-month-old Mary was looking at his toys.

So, we should have a mobile baby before too much longer!

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