Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Small Purse

It has taken three children, but I think I have figured out how to carry a tiny "diaper bag" (just a regular purse--cell phone in the photo for size--that I found at Goodwill for $3).

Too bad I don't have anywhere to take my small, fashionable purse since Miss M. remains colicky and not very portable. I tried going to a mothers' night out last night, having not been to one in almost two years. Margaret screamed the whole car ride there, the restaurant (which wouldn't take reservations, even for 12 women) couldn't seat us for 90 minutes, none of the healthy twenty-somethings offered their seats in the lobby to any of the three women holding infants or to the two women late in pregnancy, Margaret spit up on my shirt five times and pooped all over her outfit and my skirt, and then she began her screaming of bloody murder as soon as we were seated, so after pacing around outside with her fruitlessly for a while (disturbing all the outdoor patio diners), I threw my money on our table, drove home with the baby but without the food I'd ordered, and cried.

Next time, I think a mothers' morning out is what is in order! Morning, when babies are fresh!

The vocation of motherhood has some very difficult moments mixed in with its tremendous blessings. I'm in the midst of reading yet again Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence. I think I should always be reading it, over and over and over again!


  1. Oh, Katherine, your description of your outing reminds me so much of an outing I tried to take with a similar-age Theo. We tried to meet some friends from our graduate program for lunch, and what a disaster! Theo screamed mightily and spit up all over me and the floor, pooped on me, and screamed a bunch more. Our food came, and I burst into tears and said, "Forget it--I'm not hungry anymore! We'll see you all next time!" And with that, Chris and I fled with our screaming, puking, pooping infant. Fun times.... :-)

  2. I'm so sorry that something you were looking forward to didn't go very well. I'm sure we've all had those moments, they sure aren't fun though. I hope next time goes better for you.

  3. I promise that this will be funny someday. And at least you went, I don't even try anymore.

  4. I was so sorry that you had to leave last night... Your idea of a Mothers' Morning Out is a good one, and we did actually talk about that as that as an option, especially since the group is pretty spread out geographically. So we will definitely discuss that for next time and hopefully it will be more enjoyable! (And we will probably have a couple more babies in the group by that time too!)

  5. I had my husband dig out his copy of the book you mentioned. It's been mentioned a few different times on a couple of sites I go on, so I figure it's at least a nudge for me to take a look at it.

  6. Jessica: It's hard for me to bother trying either, which is one reason I hadn't gone in nearly two years. Whether I'm pregnant, have an infant, or have a toddler, the evenings are just really hard times for me to be out and about.

  7. Anna: I'd love to hear what you think of this little gem of a book. Truly, it's one of my "desert island" books (along with St. Francis de Sales' "Introduction to the Devout Life").
