Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bathroom Cleaning Tip

This tip on cleaning one's bathroom really might be ridiculous to my readers. But it was not ridiculous to me in my humble state, so I am going to share one of the best housekeeping tips I've ever received.

It came from my friend Elaine who had two children at the time when I had my first newborn. You see, the only way I knew how to clean a house was the way a single woman does it: I kept my apartment very neat all the time because I was the only one living in it and I'm a neat and orderly person. Then once a week like clockwork, I set aside a few peaceful and uninterrupted hours to clean. I'd put on my Cleaning Clothing and get out my utility caddy full of my perfect Cleaning Supplies. I'd clean my nearly perfect-anyway apartment and get it back up to perfection.

But now I had a newborn and was in that phase of having only one child and having no idea how to get anything done. My newlywed house was a sty and I couldn't keep it clean. I cried to my friend Elaine about it.

She told me to stock each bathroom with a big canister of Clorox or Lysol disinfecting wipes and wipe down the bathroom every so often. And be done with it.


That was not very environmentally friendly, buying those plastic containers full of disposable wipes. It would be much better for me to use my spray bottles of excellent cleaners (some of them homemade, like my vinegar-and-water phase!) with washable cleaning rags.

So, I didn't take her tip . . . and my bathrooms remained scuzzy and not cleaned.

Besides, those wipes are expensive! Have you calculated the cost per wipe on those? No, I won't do that! No good, frugal homemaker would do that.

So, my bathrooms remained scuzzy and not cleaned.

In addition, it is downright Lazy and Not Proper to do such a simple, slap-dash cleaning of a bathroom! I am not lazy, nor am I not proper.

So, my bathrooms remained scuzzy and not cleaned.

I don't know how many months into new motherhood it took me to accept Elaine's housekeeping tip and, let me tell you, I think it is one of the best housekeeping tips ever. I have each bathroom stocked with a big canister of wipes. When I am in there bathing the kids or just for whatever reason, once or twice a week, I grab a wipe and first wipe down the faucet, counters, and sink. A second wipe does all the outside surfaces of the toilet. This takes fewer than 60 seconds and I can even do it with a baby on my hip. If I'm in the master bathroom and I'm three months postpartum and, therefore, shedding an entire head full of long hair due to normal hormonal changes, then I grab a third wipe and swoop all over the floor. (Or I might even just use a wad of clean toilet tissue to swoop up hairs.)

Voila! It is amazing how refreshed a bathroom looks with this simple, slapdash method.

I am no longer too prideful to highly recommend it!


  1. This is a timely post for me to read, Katherine! Even super-frugal, environmentally-friendly me uses those wipes on our toilets...I justify it because I don't want to wash and reuse rags that have cleaned toilets. Several times in recent weeks I have bemoaned my inability to get to cleaning the rest of the bathrooms. I keep shooing away the thought, "well, why don't I just use those wipes on the sink and counter, too?" I just never have. After reading this post, I'm a little more open to doing it in the future. We'll see!

    In case anyone is concerned about the cost: it is possible to get the small containers of wipes (usually 35 count) on sale and with coupons for around $1 each. So that makes the wipes only 3 cents each.

    And the plastic containers are recyclable (at least here in Charlotte) - just remove and toss the lid and rinse and recycle the body. :)

  2. Katherine, I *just* started doing this! I still keep my vinegar and cloth in every room, but two of the bathrooms (downstairs powder room and boys') also have canisters Clorox's "green" wipes (I don't know how green, but at least I feel a little better about using them!). It is amazing what a difference it makes. There are times for scrubbing down the bathroom, and there are times to swish and swipe!

  3. I have done this for years! Flylady calls it "swish & swipe" :-) Another great tip is to clean the shower when you're taking a shower.

  4. I honestly can't think of a more convenient way to wipe down the outside of a toilet. If it weren't for those kinds of wipes, my bathroom would never get clean, meaning that I can swish and swipe enough to keep on top of it. Otherwise it would quickly get out of hand necessitating an enormous amount of time and a jackhammer, of which I have neither. Also, I don't think my kids would know how to clean a bathroom if they couldn't use wipes. I don't know if you're a member of Costco or not (or if there's one near you), but they send out coupons each month and most of the time there's one for either their brand or the Clorox ones in a multi-pack. It comes out to be a pretty good deal.

  5. I've been doing this since you told me about it! I also buy at Costco. They have coupons for them and you get a three pack- it's quite economical.

    If it weren't for the wipes, I shudder to think what our bathrooms would look like!

  6. I'm totally laughing at Enid's comment. "jackhammer" is quite apt.
