Monday, July 25, 2011

School White Board

The board is up!

Years ago, we aquired some pretty nice office surplus items, including this huge, magnetized white board, which we have saved and moved with us from home to home until now: we finally hung it!

I am too excited--but not too excited for words. I always have words! What should I put on this beautiful homeschooling whiteboard? Right now I have:

* "St. John Bosco, pray for us!" and a holy card

* Prayers

* Daily weather

* Weekly calendar

* Current memory verse

* If we're doing a unit on a subject (e.g., strawberries, Independence day), I plan to post information and pictures about what we're learning.


  1. wow, that is one serious whiteboard!!

  2. Wow! That is absolutely spectacular because a.) it's HUGE! and b.) you have a great spot to put it! Bravo!

  3. It is also spectacular because my husband is super supportive. One can imagine, many husbands (and, I suppose, wives) would not want a giant white board in the kitchen or in the house anywhere. But Chris got this for us precisely because he thought it would be great for homeschooling someday (as, at the time, our first pupil was one year old :). And when I asked him to get the dusty white board out of the garage where it resided and hang it in the kitchen, it was up and hung (with special equipment from the hardware store) within 24 hours. I'm a fortunate homeschooling mama!

  4. And an even more fortunate wife!

  5. How wonderful! I am excited for you! And, yes, a supportive husband is quite a blessing with homeschooling!

  6. Fantastic! We have a whiteboard up that's not magnetic, but I've been keeping my eyes out for one that's reasonably priced. I love that it's in the kitchen. Really brings your learning into the heart of the home!
