Monday, July 25, 2011

Beautiful Teeth

John: "Mama, why do some people have beautiful teeth?" (he asks, as he's holding a silver necklace chain across his teeth)

Mama: "What do you mean, 'beautiful teeth'?"

John: "Well, there was this older boy at the party yesterday and he had beautiful teeth!"

Mama: "Do you mean he had silver wires on his teeth?"

John: "Yes!"

So I explained what braces are. I told him that people where braces to straighten crooked teeth, but John is sure that some people wear them simply because they are so beautiful.


  1. "Yes, one day you too can have beautiful teeth!" ha ha ha

  2. you need to change your lilypie tickers to age 5 and 3 :)

  3. Ha ha, John would've LOVED my full braces and headgear that I wore in junior high!! Truly stunning...

  4. Sarah Faith: My kids won't be 3 and 5 for six more months. :)

  5. Oh that is *so* funny! And, I imagine if John ever needs braces, he will be quite hesitant about it, not even remembering once upon a time he thought they were beautiful!
