Sunday, July 3, 2011

Is This a Trick?

Scene: We arrive home from Mass and breakfast and everyone is changing into play clothes. I've just got the baby down for nap.

Chris to Katherine: "Would you like to lay down for a nap?"

Katherine: "Actually, I'm feeling well rested today. I was just hoping to go do some weeding outside. I'm happy to take the kids with me. Would you please stay inside and just listen to the baby monitor?"

Chris starts glancing around, wondering who is this supposed wife of his who is feeling well-rested, if this is a trick, and if there is a right or wrong answer! After he and I had a good laugh, I convinced him that really, I was desperate to get out in the sunshine and fresh air without my little constant companion of nearly 24/7. The baby monitor's battery is on the fritz, so it only works when plugged in, which is why I can't just go outdoors while the baby is napping on weekdays. Nor do I want to wear the baby while I do gardening because it is so very hot (and, no, she won't tolerate the stroller yet either).

As it was, Chris did exactly what I wanted by staying in the air conditioned indoors to guard the sleeping baby for me. And in the whole of 20 minutes that the baby stayed asleep without me, I yanked two kitchen-sized garbage cans worth of weeds (not from our lawn but from our wooded area)--it's a good thing that our HOA wants our neighborhood to have an au natural wooded look to its landscaping because I've really been emphasizing the au natural part of that this spring!

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