Monday, July 25, 2011

Daddy's Girls

I still get a joy out of saying things like "the girls' room" or "I'll get the girls dressed." I have two girls!

Speaking of one of our girls, on Sunday afternoon we went to our parish's celebration for its patron saint, St. Ann. The children had a grand time running around an empty gym: without any toys they made their own fun. Mary kept climbing things, like to the top of the folded-up bleachers, and causing anxiety to the other adults looking on. Indeed, once she fell off of the auditorium stage (which is taller than she is) and people gasped, thinking she was going to be hurt, and I realized I probably looked like a callous mother because I didn't really react--but I knew she'd be fine and she was (didn't even cry). I ended up disallowing Mary from climbing anymore because none of the other children were allowed to climb and I didn't want her encouraging them to disobey their parents.


  1. Isn't it FUNNY to think of other moms viewing YOU as a callous mother?! hahahaha span back 5 years ago, did you ever think that would happen? So funny.

  2. Sarah Faith: Yes, I was quite the bleeding heart mama (and still am in many ways, I suppose). Thanks for remaining my friend even when I was a total sap and didn't know it.

  3. They are so beautiful! :)

    I too feel like a callous Mommy sometimes when my kids are going seemingly crazy, daredevil sorts of things. But I know what they are capable of...and I know when they are truly in trouble/danger or injured. Although Jamie sometimes makes my heart stop!
