Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What Did I Expect?

May at at 2-1/2 still sometimes throws things down in anger from the kitchen table. Today we were home from Mass and the kids were eating their one doughnut apiece as a reward for good behavior at church. I placed a wet wash cloth on the table next to Mary, which I do at every meal, for her to wipe up with afterward (envision toddler coated in chocolate doughnut crumbs). Mary saw it, grabbed it, and threw it down on the floor with a glare at me.

I quietly reminded her that we do not throw things on the floor and told her she needed to pick it up. She stared me down. I told her that now I was going to take away the remainder of her doughnut and keep it safe until she was ready to pick up the wash cloth. Envision a Western movie scene with Clint Eastwood staring down a no good bad guy and you'll have an idea of Mary's expression toward me.

Then as quick as Clint grabbing for his holstered gun, Mary stuffed half a doughnut into her mouth all at once, showing me just how far her cheeks can stretch.

What did I expect except that exact reaction?

I had to cover my mouth with my hand so she wouldn't see me laughing. And then Mary calmly and slowly picked up her wash cloth off the floor and wiped herself clean.


  1. Ha! That's awesome. Sounds soooo much like something Theo would do!

  2. I would have had a tough time concealing my laughter too! Sounds like something both my kiddos would pull! :) Feisty things!

  3. Oh, my goodness! I love it! I spend so much time rushing from the room to keep from laughing at the kids' antics.
