Monday, June 27, 2011

Trying T-Tapp

Miss Margaret now sits contentedly in a bouncy seat for 15 to 30 minutes first thing in the morning--her longest stretch for the whole day. So, that means I can try easing back into some modicum of an exercise routine. (And why can't I go on neighborhood walks with the kids? Surely pushing a 40-pound stroller with a toddler and baby in it is a great workout? Yes, except that I come back from those walks a twitching ball of nerves because Margaret screams the whole time, whether I wear her or she rides in the stroller. Hhhhmmmm . . . I wonder if my stress and raised blood pressure helps me burn more calories?)

So, I'm trying the T-Tapp videos. I like that they are brief. In fact, it is encouraged that one do certain of the moves (e.g., hoe downs) throughout the day, in between regular tasks--no need to get geared up in exercise clothes at those times. I mean, one would look like a dork, but one would be raising one's heart rate and lowering blood sugar. I was particularly interested when I was "trolling" around the T-Tapp forums and saw a remarkable number of mothers of large families (6, 8, 10 kids) who swear by these videos, especially or cycling through pregnancies. I mean, if a mother of ten can manage these, then surely I can try, right? The exercises are physical therapy-based, so with minor modifications can be used by the disabled, the elderly, the injured, and women who are pregnant or postpartum. And the website even mentions that many homeschooling families use T-Tapp videos as their (indoor) physical education! So, you can see, I had to try it.

I'm only a few days into it (prime time for me to up and quit one more passing fad!) and I'm using the free feature of trying before I buy. There are about seven free clips on the website.

Now, what is super funny is having the kids try it with me. I don't know who looks funnier: big ol' mama tripping all over trying to learn the maneuvers or lanky, uncoordinated kids leaping about trying to learn the moves.

Funny things kids say about exercise:

After doing the measly 15 minutes of T-Tapp I could handle this morning, I asked John to help me unload the dishwasher.

John: "The bottom part?"

Mama: "Well, I'd like your help with all of it."

John: "You know, all that bending over is exercise for you."

Mama: "Yes, well. It's my job to teach you how to run a home so that when you grow up and move away, you'll know how to take care of yourself. So, now you may help me unload the dishwasher."

And then later Mary was flapping the baby's arms about and I asked her to stop. She explained (referring to a T-Tapp maneuver): "Mama, I'm showing Margaret how to do The Butterfly!"

1 comment:

  1. Great! I hope it is a good routine for you. I'm three days into my program. Today was a rest day, so hopefully I don't loose any momementum!
