Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thanks for the Thanks

Chris was working late, so wasn't eating dinner with us. A few minutes into dinner, Mary (2.5) gasped and exclaimed, "Oh no! We didn't thank you!" I asked, "Thank who?" Mary said, "You! Mama, thank you for making us dinner." And then John piped in with the same.

So, thank you goes to my husband for training the children to thank me nightly for cooking dinner, whether they like the food or not. (And, don't get me wrong, we still have to work on reminders never to use "yucky" or "gross" talk at the table.)


  1. How sweet! Good training. I think saying thank you regularly really does translate into a spirit of thankfulness at some point. Kind of like smiling puts you in a better mood.

  2. It is awesome isn't. I love to hear my children say thank you for a bowl of cereal for dinner. They like most things I make but are greatful just for having dinner when they don't like it :)
