Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am 37 weeks and one day today, which is when I gave birth to John.


  1. You look wonderful! Have you dropped? What fun plans do you have for yourself in these final days/weeks?

  2. Ashley: That is so interesting that you asked if I've dropped! When I saw the photo, I thought right away, "Whoa! The baby has dropped!" I tried to find a comparison photo, but none were quite the right angle so I thought perhaps my eyes were playing tricks on me.

    No big fun plans. Just trying to stay distracted, which is hard. I've rented many movies and TV series! Now if only the children would just sleep about 20 hours a day so I could sit in front of the TV all the time!

  3. you look great. Just try to take it easy now :) I know it might not be possible :)

  4. Oh wow...it can be any day now!!! I'm so excited to hear the news of your new little's arrival!!!

    (When I was pregnant with Jamie, I remember begging Emma to nap so that I could just veg on the couch!)

  5. The first thing I thought when I saw this picture is, "Wow, she's dropped!" I think you have, my friend--am thinking about you and hoping for a nice, easy delivery for you and baby!

  6. Update: We ladies have a good eye! I am home from a midwifery appointment and the baby has measureably dropped. This whole pregnancy I've been measuring a couple of weeks ahead (centimeter measurement of belly size, for those who don't know), but this week I am small for date. Suddenly I'm 36 cm at 37 weeks instead of being a couple centimeters larger than 37. I'm impressed that those of us who noticed were really seeing a difference of only 1-3 centimeters. (Also, baby's head is firmly engaged--but I discerned that already!)

  7. I'm thinking a "super moon" baby will arrive this weekend! ;)

  8. Ashley: That is so interesting! I had been totally unaware of the coming super moon on Saturday! It would be *so* cool to give birth on the feast of St. Joseph (Saturday). John was born three weeks early, one day before that month's full moon . . . and Mary was born two weeks early, one day before that month's full moon! WOW.

    I'm not into nonsense, but even scientists, obstetricians, and midwives all see a rise in births (and violent crime!) at full moons.

    For full moon calendars, see here:


  9. You know what's funny? Janeane and I were tossing around ideas about what you're having and when, and I said, "I think she's going to have a boy on Saturday, 3/19." So we'll see whether I'm correct. :-) (I also have a name guess, but I'm keeping that one to myself!)

  10. I was actually pulling for today, but I think I'm going to piggyback with Cathleen on this and go with the 19th as well. :)
