Saturday, February 12, 2011

Maybe I'm Bigger Than I Think!

I am seven weeks from my estimated due date--although five weeks from when I gave birth to Mary and four weeks from when I gave birth to John . . . but who's counting? In the past few weeks I have begun asking John more frequently to pick up things off the floor for me, explaining that the baby in my belly makes it hard for me to bend over.

This morning after such a request, John remarked, "Maybe after the baby comes out, then you'll be able to bend over again."

Mama: "Yes, I think that will be true."

John: "Maybe after the baby comes out, there will be two more babies inside [meaning triplets] and we'll have three babies!"

Now there is a hope!


  1. And a very positive attitude toward babies/siblings. Hooray!

  2. That reminds me of my little one's comments the other day. We were driving somewhere and he looks around the car and says, "Mommy, when you have another baby we'll need a bigger car." (I've got three carseats jammed into a sedan.) "Yes dear we will" *pause* "And Mommy, when you have 10 babies, we'll need an even bigger, bigger car." Yikes!!!

    We must be doing something right that they look forward to more siblings.
