Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Iced In

John and Mary ("smiling"!) before going out to play in the snow

We are still "iced in." The snow that fell Sunday and Monday was followed by wintry mix that has created dangerous black ice. I have successfully managed to stay inside for the past two days and probably will for two days to come, until the temperatures rise above freezing on Friday. Chris was unable to fly on his business trip because of the weather, so found a substitute in California to do his task and is now working from home, per usual. Yesterday my mother's helper (who lives in our neighborhood) came over to take the children to play in the snowy back yard. The snow is covered with a crust of hard ice nearly an inch thick.

Mary continues potty training, having had two accidents on Day One and two on Day Two. That is great, but she's definitely still being 100% managed by me and isn't initiating anything.

This morning I tried a new recipe: German Apple Pancakes. My friend and her family gave them rave reviews, as did our little Mary (who devoured two large servings). Chris and I gave them a 'B' but both agreed we'd rather bake German pancakes (which are so fun with their eggs and puffiness) and saute the sugared apples, then serve them together without baking them together. And, not surprisingly, John gagged up the minuscule bite he was required to try.

Today feels like one of my "dizzy days." I haven't yet figured out why the pregnancy is making me feel this way. I think I'll be taking it easy and lying down a lot. Yesterday I ordered online my first medical-grade support hose for pregnancy. Also I ordered an iron supplement that I hope will help with the pregnancy-induced restless legs syndrome, plus I'm focusing on eating potassium-rich foods that I hope will help with the pregnancy-induced Charlie horse cramps. Meanwhile, I can give you a hot tip that Tums is a good stock in which to invest. Glamorous, I tell you, it's outright glamorous! All I can say is, thank God above that the blessing at the end is immeasurably big!


  1. We're snowed in for the "dizzy days" it's due to how far along you're about 6 weeks behind me, right? About 6 weeks ago, I woke up feeling really really dizzy. I googled it and talked to my midwife about it. It has to do with the increase in blood volume that happens around that's especially hard on the body when you get up quickly. So it's normal!

  2. Wea re snowed in!

  3. Katherine,

    We have yet to RESTART Ben on potty training since Anna's last CHOP addmision/stomach bug. I feel so bad that we have been unable to provide him with consistent training time!!

    Anyway my question is when you sent Mary out all bundled up to play did you leave her in underwear or did you put her in a diaper?

    We are snowed in here too btw...well not snowed IN...apparently all teh main streets are clear, but our car isn't dug out yet.

  4. I was going to ask you about heartburn! I wondered whether it troubles you at all. I guess it does! It's come upon me in the past week. I'm very sad to think I'll have to limit foods with more robust flavors. :( I pulled my wedge pillow out of the closet and set myself up with that for definitely helps with the heartburn but it's just not comfortable to sleep up like that! David reminded me that it took me a while to get used to it last time, too. Sigh.

    David finds the support socks he wears for work (since he's on his feet for most of the 12 hours) very effective. I hope yours are, too.

  5. Our ice finally has melted, but it's still just too cold and windy to go out to play. Keeping my children "busy" is just getting crazy! I wondered how to keep them busy today while I am trying to prepare supper. I decided to let them pull the leftover chicken off the bone. I hope it doesn't gross them out too much so that they won't ever eat it again.

    About your dizziness, you'll be surprised how much the stockings will help.

    Here's looking forward to Friday! :-)

  6. I was just going to say what Rebecca said. With both of my pregnancies, I was often dizzy!

  7. Jamie: I definitely did not want Mary to pee in her snow suit, which would be really hard to clean. So I put her in a waterproof cloth diaper, knowing full well that she'd have an accident in it, even though she was out there playing for only 40 minutes. And she did! But I expected that.

  8. TridentineWife: No special pan needed! I used a cast iron skillet, but one could use any old frying pan that is safe to go in the oven.

  9. Frances: The only time I've felt heartburn is during pregnancy, and all three times it has started in the two weeks between conception and a positive pregnancy test! It's really vicious for me. Various tips I do: separate drinking and eating, eat small meals, sleep sitting up and/or on my left side, don't eat after 6:00 p.m., and take papaya enzymes, Tums, and Pepcid AC.

  10. Ah the ice/snow is hard on all of us I think. I too am longing for warmer weather. I am struggling to entertain a 18 month old all day. He consistently wants to go to the door and ask to go outside in the snow.

    And, I'm not help on the pregnancy issues, but I am sorry to hear this is so trying. I cannot imagine pregnancy with two little ones already at home. It must be such a challenge. Hang in there!
