Friday, October 15, 2010

Mary Sings!

Just a few weeks ago, Mary (23 months) suddenly took a great interest in singing. She began asking me to sing to her at nap and bed times. She began requesting certain songs by name, and interrupting me if I sang the wrong song, correcting me to sing another song. Then she began singing along! I think her brain is in a phase of learning how to memorize, as she also busted loose the other night by praying almost perfectly Grace After Meals.

This morning I overheard Mary in the bonus room singing "Brother John" repeatedly, so I decided to try to film her singing various songs today. When I got up there, she was standing atop a bookshelf and waving around a pick-up stick like a conductor. (In a lot of these videos, she is wearing her sleeping tee-shirt, and both the shirt and Mary's mouth are covered in chocolate milk from breakfast.)

Singing "Frere Jaques": Mary actually knows the French as well as the English, not that I captured it on this video. I had to laugh one day when I was putting her to sleep and I began singing "Frere Jaques," to which she replied indignantly, "Don't sing Jaques! Sing Brother John!"

Singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

Singing "Wheels on the Bus": Before having kids, I was so irritated at this song. I'm not in love with the song now, but Mary sure is. She has made it a required part of every time she falls asleep, so we sing it often. Even if she doesn't want to go to sleep, I can say, "Let's go upstairs and sing Bus," and she'll almost always come running.

This is a video of the kids simply chatting. It's a pretty sedate video (unlike all these other thrill-a-minute videos), but I thought maybe the grandparents would like to see two minutes of a typical morning of making beds and getting dressed for the day.


  1. AHAHAHA i laughed at your "thrill a minute" comment, lol.

    And, of COURSE she is standing on the bookshelf! Where else would she be? Love it.

  2. Hi Katherine, I think Mary will be discerning a career as a musical conductor.....she loves to wave her arms while cute!

    love to all

  3. Sarah Faith: You've got it exactly. If there's a vertical space, Mary will ascend it. And did you note in one video how she climbs the bureau? The only reason she stopped so low is because she grabbed what she wanted up there. If she'd desired to get up there for some reason, she'd have done it. Her toes are agile like a monkey's toes, so she can scale the faces of most furniture.
