Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bad Mama!

Today John caught me eating from my secret stash of Skittles candies when one Skittle fellow to the kitchen floor in a clickety-clack sound. He asked urgently, "What are you eating? What is that yellow thing on the floor?"

He rushed to catch it as I wondered what to say because I certainly didn't want to tell him I was eating candy at nine in the morning, since no self-respecting mother would do that. Knowing that John eats no fruit whatsoever (except raisins, and really, right now, only currants, not "big raisins"), I answered him, "Those are fruit snacks."

"Fruit snacks?!" John threw the candy to the ground like it was a hot potato.

And my secret was saved.


  1. i love that you eat skittles at 9 am.
    i am jealous. :)

  2. Oh, I have tears from laughing at this one! LOVE IT!!!

    I've been known to say that I was eating "something gross you won't like" when Emma has made similar inquiries (which of course is difficult to pull off when that something is an Oreo cookie!). :)

  3. Sarah: You may be envious, but you're also skinny and gorgeous because you don't eat Skittles! :)

  4. ROFLOL!!! That's just the kind of laugh I needed after my day today! Thanks!

  5. Yes, LOVE IT! Quick thinking!

    I have eaten a bowl of Cocoa Puffs standing at the counter, hidden by the fridge, while Teresa finished her meal in her high chair. I thought having a child would help me to make excellent food choices at all times, so I could always share anything I ate. Instead, we occasionally sneak but mostly just share our treats!

  6. That is so hysterical!! Next time you need to close yourself into the laundry room.

  7. that's excellent!!! :D wouldn't work for me with the older kids in the know though...
