Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You Know You're a Mom

You know you're a tired mom when you're nearly giddy with excitement at the prospect of leaving the kids with Daddy this afternoon to go to a routine physical exam . . . because with the drive each way, waiting in the lobby, and being poked and prodded by a doctor, you might get nearly three hours of time free of incessant children's requests, demands, toy squabbles, and tantrums!


  1. That's too funny! Hope you have an uneventful doctor's visit and a nice drive there and back!

  2. That's really funny! I have a prenatal appointment tomorrow and I always take a book (because there's ALWAYS a wait time at my hospital), I have it scheduled for late afternoon so DH won't be going back to work.... ah, relaxation. LOL

  3. i always laugh to myself at how going to the grocery store is my "little getaway" - sounds pathetic to "the world" but i'm sure my peers can relate!!

  4. Shelly: We just switched our system to my doing the grocery shopping on Saturdays so I can leave the kids with Chris. Insanely crowded Super Wal-Mart is so relaxing and wonderful for me!

  5. Christine: I know just what you mean about prenatal appointments! I was totally disappointed after I gave birth last time because I couldn't go to prenatals anymore, where I let myself read those trashy social magazines that I would never contribute a penny toward.

  6. Ha ha!! This is so true! I had a yearly exam scheduled with Dr. Tate, who got called away for a delivery about 5 minutes before my appointment. They rescheduled me for about three hours later, and I couldn't believe how much scheduling, etc. I got done without the interruptions - and more than one bathroom break (are you all sitting??) BY MYSELF!! Still makes me giddy to remember it! Remembering the times I had to take all of them with me and wait for hours makes me even more grateful for the opportunity to go alone.

  7. I know the feeling...I had it today when I went to a funeral. I felt insanely guilty since it was to say goodbye to a dear family member, and truly a very sad and wearing day. However, the chance to listen to NPR in the car during the two hour round trip, to have some time quiet time alone in church, then to visit with family I haven't seen in several years was peaceful.

  8. Oh my goodness...SOOOOO true! :)

  9. It's also why I decided to take that twice weekly kickboxing class this month...needed to change up using child-free errand time as "me time" for a bit.
