Monday, March 29, 2010

Dressed for Rain

The weather was a bit rainy this morning and, upon learning that I don't have a rain coat for John, he put together what he thought was a really good rain outfit: a lovely lady's hat, his corduroy Mass coat, and cowboy boots (four sizes too big).

Looking cute (and examining contraband spaghetti she took from the pantry)


  1. Where did you find a skirt long enough??? I find that skirts are way too short. Very cute outfits by the way.

  2. Mary looks like she is blossoming into her own fun personality lately! She looks so cute in that skirt.

  3. Anna: I find that skirts are (disgustingly) too short as well. This was Mary's first skirt and I took a gamble ordering it online from April Cornell, who generally makes long skirts. Her clothing line is ridiculously expensive--especially for a mama like me who buys most of her kids' clothing from consignment sales--but I've caught some of her 65% off everything sales, and then I apply that 65% to "April's Attic" (her clearance section) and I end up with a $50 baby's dress for a few dollars. FYI, April Cornell runs big.

  4. John always makes such a funny face on the pictures!
