Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Today I Baked Egg Bagels

Mixed review: If I bought these bagels from a professional bagel-maker, I'd say they were irregularly shaped with an odd texture and I wouldn't buy them again. But because I baked them myself, I say, "Wow, I created my very own edible bagels! And they taste okay! You go, girl!"


  1. You go, girl indeed!! But here's the real test--did John eat them and like them?!

  2. They look pretty good! I should try that recipe! I've only made bagels once and they came out flattish. Looked okay until they went into the water, so not really sure...

  3. impressive! Give it a couple more tries, imo... you'll get the hang of it!

  4. Courtney: I had the same experience with my bagels. They were gorgeous and big, like professionally baked bagels, when they were dough. But after boiling, they were smaller, and after baking, they were quite flattened.

  5. Homemade doughnuts would be better... :P
