Monday, November 23, 2009

Auto Show 2010

On Sunday we went to the auto show at the convention center. Neither Chris nor I care much of anything about cars, but we really wanted to get out of the house and do a family activity, but it had to be indoors because of the cold, rainy weather. We rode the train downtown, which always thrills John.

I was fondly reminiscing that last year at this time, I was resting at home with 10-day-old Mary while Daddy took John to the auto show. I was nervous to have John away from me, so Chris emailed me photos of John happy and having fun during their absence.
After the auto show, we went out to dinner, where Mary drew attention by shrieking demandingly in between bites of food. I couldn't feed her fast enough! She would shriek and sign MORE frenetically, then every few bites she would sign WATER. The manager even came to our table laughing that she was so demanding for food. My long-term blog readers know what trouble John has had with solids (he still gags on food and vomits at least once a week), so you can imagine the lightness in my heart seeing that Mary has no trouble with solids. She adores foods and flavors. At the rare times she gags, it is normal: she coughs the food out on her own, and then she happily keeps eating. She eats everything under the sun! She's lately acquired a taste for chicken nuggets. Last night at dinner, she ate a lot of tomatoes, black olives, eggplant Parmesan, and chicken breast. This morning for breakfast she ate strips of homemade toast with peanut butter. Mary will let herself be spoon-fed, but she now prefers to use her own spoon or eat finger foods with her hands. I did nothing differently with how I introduced solids to John versus Mary, but Mary doesn't seem to have a tongue tie or sensory issues. Praise God!

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